NEW WEBINAR: How Hackers Hack?

The webinar "How Hackers Hack – Safeguard your online presence" hosted by Youth Time International Movement and by guest speaker Ricardo Sanchez is a part of the ‘Future Skills for workplace sustainability’ series and is focused on being secure in the modern digital age. 

‘Future Skills for Workplace Sustainability’ Webinar Series – How hackers hack? 

Not just looking at your normal password protection techniques but gaining a better understanding of what those do to get to your data.

The starting day is on Wednesday 24th of February 2021 from 3pm CET (Central European Time) and you can easily make the registration following this link.


Webinar Focus

We keep hearing in the news about data breaches. Some of the biggest companies in the world getting hit by those trying to steal their customers’ information.

Can we say we are truly protected, do we all have good enough knowledge to keep us safe online?

It is almost impossible nowadays to completely avoid the online world, but with further understanding of the risks and how to prepare yourself, then maybe we can lessen the worry.

During this webinar Ricardo will explain how he became a hacker and how hackers hack, including some hacking demos. He will elaborate on his ‘war stories’, his most fierce hacks and what tools he loves to use.

But most of all this will be an open and interactive session. So have you always wanted to ask some technical questions to a hacker that broke almost everything there is to break? This is your chance!


Who is the Webinar designed, and beneficial for?

This webinar would be suited to all from all backgrounds. Avoiding the online world isn’t practical for the future, so this a webinar worth being a part of, no matter who you are.


About the Speaker

Ricardo Sanchez- How hackers hack?
Ricardo Sanchez

Ricardo Sanchez, MSc, CISSP, OSCP, CEH, is not your average ethical hacker. He has written two books, has two patent applications as the main inventor and holds three Master’s degrees in Science. Ricardo has more than eight years of experience and has been working as a cyber security consultant for companies such as Deloitte, Rapid7, EY and Secura.

Ricardo also has an impressive record discovering critical findings in all sorts of companies and sectors (energy, retail, finance, and governments).

He specialises in crystal, grey and black-box web application assessments.


Photos: Shutterstock 

Read more about cybercrime in our Magazine.

Cybercrime: Paying the Price for ‘Free’ Internet

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