Submit a feature story or news report filmed and edited entirely on a mobile device and win a return flight to Galway, Ireland, five-star accommodation and tickets to Mojofest from 6-8th June 2019. The deadline is on 12 April 2019.
Apply for Journalism Competition
Enroll in Moblile Journalism Competition. The Thomson Foundation mobile journalism competition is a leading showcase for mobile journalism (‘mojo’) talent.
Five runners up will also receive free access to Glen’s advanced mobile journalism online course from the Journalism Now program.
Entries will be marked on the following:
Journalism: Originality and credibility of the story, demonstrating original research, effort and use of interviews.
Impact: Importance of the subject matter and the impact the story has achieved.
Uniqueness to medium: Innovative and appropriate use of mobile-recording techniques.
Storytelling: Clarity of the storytelling.
Technical quality: Technical quality of the production.
How to Apply?
- Create a mobile journalism story, either a feature or TV-style news report with a run time of 2-5 minutes;
- The story must be produced by ONE individual only;
- Entries should ideally be in English, however, other languages with on screen subtitles are acceptable. The competition is open to entrants aged 18 or over.
Read more here.
Wildlife Poaching & Trafficking Journalism Training Workshop
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