Apply Now: M.A. in the University of the Peloponnese

The MA in Mediterranean Studies is designed to be a flexible program that covers a wide variety of issues and problems across different disciplines i.e., Political Science, International Relations, Cultural Studies, and Economics. The deadline to apply is June 30th. 

The program is organised by the Department  of  Political  Science  and  International  Relations  of  the University  of the Peloponnese (Greece), in partnership with:
– The Department of Cultural Heritageand 
– The Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna (Italy)
– The Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (France)
– The Department of International Relations of the Yaşar University(Turkey)
– The Department of Economics and Finance of the Neapolis University of Pafos(Cyprus)
– The Olympia Summer Academy offers a Collaborative Postgraduate Program in Mediterranean Studies.
It is premised on a multidimensional  approach to an array of pressing, though interdependent, questions such as conflict, security and nationalism; democratization, civil society and the Arab Spring; Cultures and multiculturalism; women’s issues and activism; economic crisis and development; and energy security and environmental  challenges. The collaborative structure of the program facilitates the diverse contributions of faculty of the different participating institutions, enabling and sustaining the program’s wide-ranging focus.
Find out more on the official website of  the University  of the Peloponnese.

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