Masdar 2017: Global Social Media Blogging Contest

Masdar, Abu Dhabi’s Renewable Energy Company together with the Abu Dhabi government are inviting young bloggers from all over the globe to take part in 2017 Engage Global Social Media Competition: Technology for a Sustainable Future. The winner will get fully funded trip to Abu Dhabi and will be a VIP guest on Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week, 15-19 January 2017. Deadline to apply is January 3rd.

This year’s Engage competition is about how participants want to see changes in the world and their local communities by 2026; and Masdar, Abu Dhabi’s Renewable Energy Company, wants to hear citizens’ perspectives on how society can embark on a path towards a low-carbon economy. And this year, Masdar is welcoming suggestions in the format of participants’ choosing.

You should create your submission, post it, and post a link (as in a YouTube or blog URL) within the comments section of the 2017 Masdar Engage Contest page. Contributions should share their posts on all social media channels, using the hashtag #WorldIn2026.

Contributors may submit one of the following:

  • a video explaining your point of view, no longer than 3 minutes; please include a 100-word summary- (post on YouTube and provide the URL to Masdar);
  • a multi-media presentation, which can include video clips, photos, charts, animation, or other features that get your views across; please include a 100-word summary- (post on your preferred platform and provide the URL to Masdar);
  • a 500- to 700-word written blog that articulates your ideas (cross-post on your blog and send the URL to Masdar, or send in MS Word to [email protected])

Qualifying content will be posted on the Masdar web site.

Main criteria:

  • All citizens across the globe 18 years of age or older;
  • Fluent in English;
  • Interested in sustainable development.

The winner will be flown to Abu Dhabi, with airfare, ground transportation within Abu Dhabi and accommodation paid by Masdar. The winner will be Masdar’s guest VIP Social Media Influencer during Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week, 15-19 January 2017.

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