Join Sarajevo Youth Summit 2015

This Summit will gather around 150 young leaders from the Western Balkans and European Union countries, as well as representatives of organisations and leaders from conflict and post-conflict zones around the world. Deadline for applications is 31st July 2015.

Sarajevo Youth Summit is organised by YIHR (Youth Initiative for Human Rights) and  will take place in Sarajevo during 14-16 October 2015. The summit is fully funded.

An event will give the opportunity youth voices to be heard and for youth from the Western Balkans to exchange experiences about the issues they feel are relevant and important for the region’s future. Participants will also share knowledge and experiences of activists from (post)conflict societies and emerging democracies that could be significant for the Western Balkans.

Applicants interested in the participation on Sarajevo Youth Summit should be students or recent graduates of the social sciences, human rights activists and/or members of youth political parties.

Click here to apply.


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