How is Your Emotional Intelligence?

Your IQ may be high, but that will not make you successful. A specific kind of intelligence has the key to future success and it has nothing to do with how smart you are.

Researcher Daniel Goleman have discovered that what helps people in life, whether we are talking about relationships in the workplace or in your personal life, is emotional intelligence or EI.

What is that you ask ? And what do emotions have to do with success? Emotional intelligence is not only about your emotions, it is about your ability to perceive, understand, evaluate and manage emotions and those of others in a positive way. We can see it in our behaviour, in our decision making or how we deal with certain situations.

People with high levels of EI are often self-aware, persistent and motivated, they show a good ability of self-restraint. According to Travis Bradberry, author of the bestseller “Emotional Intelligence 2.0.”, having high EI means being able to control yourself and wanting to be successful.

Research seems to prove this theory. A study of 17,000 infants, whose development was followed for over 50 years showed that high levels of emotional intelligence is a more sure way of success than any academic performance.

Now the good news is that even if you have no emotional intelligence whatsoever, you can develop one. It is a combination of several traits that we all have and what you need to do is make them strong in yourself.

Daniel Goleman seems to think that five components create EI – self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, social skills and empathy.

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