International Youth Leadership Conference In Prague

IYLC opened applications for annual conference in Prague. The event will be held from 3rd of January to 8th of January 2016. Young people from around the world will meet to sharpen their leadership skills to tackle global issues. Deadline to apply is December 15th.

The next International Youth Leadership Conference will welcome over 120 students from more than 35 different countries for an open-minded exchange of diverse perspectives on contemporary global challenges.

Prague is where IYLC came into fruition in 2000. You will have an opportunity to learn how the Czech Parliamentary system works and meet face to face with Czech politicians. Engage in EU Parliament, UN Security Council, International Criminal Court plus many other workshops and simulations. This is an ideal opportunity for  college and university students majoring mainly in political science, international relations, mass media and law to push their abilities to the next level.

Youth from all countries are eligible to apply. However, the IYLC will select Conference participants in a manner that ensures relative uniformity of educational levels, while providing for a high level of geographic diversity.

There is a conference fee. You can learn about it and about application procedure here.


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