International Youth Camp In Azerbaijan: Partially Funded

The International Youth Camp is a platform designed to bring together youth from different parts of the world in order to discuss and share their ideas and concerns about issues related to intercultural dialog and multiculturalism. The event will be held from 26th to 30th of August in Baku, Azerbaijan. Deadline to apply is July 31st. 

Organizer of the camp is Great Silk Way Union which was established four years ago in Baku. The event provides local and international youth the opportunity to learn intercultural experience, integrated understanding on tolerance, multiculturalism and living together in peace, through a valuable and meaningful 5 days program in a beautiful countryside.

The program will include grоuр discussiоns, tеаmbuilding ехеrcises, energizers, simulatiоn gаmes and role-plays, individual and group reflection sessions, individual and group presentations, guest sреаkers, thеоretical input and field trips. The program will be guided by the trainers with international experience in youth events in related topic and facilitated by the staff of the Great Silk Way IYU. The participants that will participate in full duration of the camp will be awarded with certificates.

Main criteria:

  • be aged 18 and 30;
  • be able to work in English;
  • be youth workers involved in youth or community projects in their countries and be willing to realize youth initiatives for intercultural dialogue following the residential meeting;
  • possess a sense of responsibility for one’s own actions and a commitment to personal and community development.

Participation for selected participants is free. Costs for accommodation, meals, internal transportation and activities are covered. Please note, that international participants are responsible for their travel expenses.

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