International Training On Transnational Youth Initiatives And Entrepreneurship

Get Transnational is a 5 days training course about how to prepare, run and evaluate quality transnational youth initiatives for young people within the new ERASMUS + Programme. The course will be held from 20th to 25th of June in Madrid (Spain). Deadline to apply is 8th of May.

The priority of Get Transnational course is to promote the development of European projects and as far as it is possible to stimulate the spirit of entrepreneurship of young people as well as their creativity, through transnational youth initiatives within the framework of ERASMUS + Programme in collaboration projects with partners or groups from other countries.

Course is based on the fundamental principles of non-formal education. The methods provided will enable participants to fully participate in the learning process. Learning from experience will be a fundamental pillar in the way the course will be facilitated.

The diversity of working methods (presentations, role plays, simulations, debates, energizers, individual reflection questionnaires, technical project management, feedback techniques, teamwork, etc) will make more sense than ever in order to cover a practical and effective project management of transnational youth initiatives.

The international composition of the group of participants will be an asset to explore the multicultural dynamics of teamwork and will contribute to incorporate new pieces of learning from a cultural diversity perspective. Draft programme.

Main criteria:

  • EU nationals;
  • youth workers, trainers, youth leaders, people motivated and interested in developing a transnational youth initiative with young people.

The project is financed by the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme. That means that all costs relevant to participation in the course will be covered by the organisers. 

However, before applying please contact the National Agency of your residence country to check if it is involved in this concrete project.


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