International Summer School In Philosophy

The University of Bonn is inviting young people from all over the world who specialize in German philosophy to attend the 7th International Summer School related to this topic. The event will be held from 10th to 21st of July 2017 in Bonn. Deadline to apply is April 15th.

The 7th International Summer School in German Philosophy will trace the central debates concerning the concepts of free will and political freedom in the Post-Kantian tradition. This course will attempt to provide a fairly comprehensive critical overview of the theories of political freedom and free will that were so central to Classical German Philosophy in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

The first week of this course will be run by Prof. Dr. Michael Forster, the second by Prof. Dr. Markus Gabriel.

Main criteria:

  • All applicants must have at least one degree in philosophy;
  • Fluent in English, as all texts and discussions will be in English.
  • The course will be open to a maximum of 40 participants.

There are no registration  fees for the summer school.The International Centre for Philosophy North Rhine-Westphalia will be offering several stipends for foreign graduate students to cover part of their traveling expenses and accommodations.

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