Get Your Degree On Three Continents

The WU Executive Academy together with the newspaper Die Presse is offering a dream opportunity for people who would like to have an MBA degree.  Apply now and get a chance to win one of two scholarships for the Global Executive MBA 2016-2016.  The application deadline is November 2.

The Global Executive MBA, jointly offered by the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) and the University of Minnesota, provides a global vision with expert insights into international management  on 3 continents. Graduates will receive two MBA degrees from two of the most prestigious universities in Europe and the USA.

The curriculum extends well beyond the walls of the classroom. Students will complete three international residencies, working with international faculty members.

  • C.E.E. Residency: St. Petersburg
  • Asia Residency: Guangzhou & Hyderabad
  • U.S.A. Residency: New York & Minneapolis

The program is ranked among the top programs by Financial Times.

Main criteria are:

  • University degree
  • Minimum of 5 years working experience
  • Proficiency of written and spoken English

In order to apply, request your scholarship application form here. Reference: “Presse Scholarship”.

Find out more.

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