International Law Congress Of Youth In Turkey

If you are interested in the topic of Global Citizenship don't hesitate to apply for the 4th International Law Congress of Youth, organised by the students of Maltepe University and to be held on 21-22 April, 2016 in Istanbul. Even if you are not a law student, organisers will be happy to welcome you. Participation is fully funded. Deadline to apply is April 1.

The 4th International Law Congress of Youth aims to gather all young perspectives to solve one of the most important challenge of the World, under the main topic of “Global Citizenship: The Meaning of Citizenship from Young Perspective”.

Organisers welcome submissions for individual papers, media practice contributions (audio / video) and posters that should be addressing, but not limited to, the following topics: 

  • Rights of Refugees
  • International Migration Law
  • Nationality (e.g. Citizenship, Nation, Expatriate, Refugees, Statelessness, Active and Passive Citizens, Transnational Citizenship)
  • Globalization and  Industrialization
  • The Development of Cultural, National and Global Identifications
  • Sustainable Development 

Main criteria:

All student, who has interest on “Global Citizenship”, are welcome to apply for the congress.

The congress is fully funded. All participant will get: congress kit (certification, abstract booklet etc.), accommodation for 3 nights at 5-star Marma Hotel, 3 meals per day, coffee breaks, city sightseeing tour. However, travel expenses and personal expenses are expected to be covered by the participants themselves.

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