Conference in Sweden for Young Activists: Call for Applicants

Initiative Forum is an annual conference hosted by the Youth Initiative Program in Sweden. It is hosted by and for people who want to enact positive change in the world. This year the main theme is Freedom and Responsibility. Deadline to apply is May 31st.

As it is written in the events description, the initiative forum is a space for learning, inspiration, networking, and collaboration. Participants can come to share and learn about initiatives for change from around the world. It combines lectures, personal stories, workshops, discussions and celebrating into a week that will awaken the intellect, warm the heart, and rejuvenate the spirit.

The theme “Freedom and Responsibility” will explore the relationship between the ‘outer’ world and the ‘inner’ world, the individual and the collective and the balance between freedom and responsibility within the outer, the inner, the ‘me’ and the ‘we’.



Applicants should be between 18 and 28 years old and have to have a basic sense of the global challenges humanity is facing.

In order to apply, please visit event’s official website

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