Influencer Marketing: Top 5 Strategies Every Content Creator Should Know

In an exceedingly competitive digital world, influencer marketing is one of the most dominant forms of marketing. This form of social media marketing is widely sought out by brands globally, although traditional and prints ads are still in use, the scenario is fast changing. It all points to digital media exponentially moving towards influencer marketing.

We have all purchased a product or service by listening to someone we admire or a celebrity. It is impossible to scroll through social media platforms without seeing some form of influencer marketing these days. Brands have noticed and accepted that brand influencing is a surefire way to expand the reach and online presence of a business, brand, or even a personality.

When it comes to influencer marketing, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to make it work. All it takes is right planning, strategy, and research and you can thrive. Online consumers are tired of paid ads, although it is everywhere as it has become a part of our lives. Due to the enormous number of ads consumed or seen per day majority of online consumers tend to forget what they saw. Hence the reason why brands are willing to pay money to push their products and services to gain maximum visibility and engagement for prospects to do business with them.

Influencer marketing changed the game, it is more appealing and relatable. Influencers create content, share, and review products to keep the audience engaged and build brand trust. Consumers no longer value traditional ads but are likely to take action because an influencer asked them to. Most people have installed ad-blocking tools to get rid of appearing ads simply because they don’t trust the ad or what is being said. Influencer marketing is the way to go now, multi-nationals, and small-medium enterprises are all jumping on to this kind of marketing.

Now let’s look at five strategies to help you thrive as a social media influencer.


Know Your Influencer Stage

Know Your Influencer Stage
Know Your Influencer Stage

You need to know and understand what stage you are at as an influencer. Are you a nano, micro, macro, or mega influencer? Understanding the kind of influencer will guide you in researching, the kind of content to produce, know the kind of partnership to go for, etc.

Nano influencers have 10,000 or fewer followers, such influencers have the highest engagement rate with their audiences than any of the influencer types. Due to their fewer numbers, they are able to engage; respond to messages, like and comment, etc. They get personal with the audience very often; they are also cost-effective sometimes they come at no cost.

While micro-influencers have a much bigger following than nano influencers, they often have between 10,000 to 100,000 followers, usually lifestyle bloggers. Brands often tend to engage with them because they have won the trust of their audiences, and they tend to be more niche-focused. They are an upgrade of nano-influencers. Their content is less polished but very original and real.

Macro influencers have between 500,000 and one million followers, they are usually celebrities, TV & radio personalities, expert leaders, etc. They leverage their reputation to build their social media following, they are expensive. Although they have a large following, the engagement rate is low.

Mega Influencers are those with more than one million followers, mega influencers are extremely visible in the digital space. Majority of them are celebrities, and they are super expensive. Typically their content is more professional than the others. Although they have a high reach, their engagement with the audience is low.


Build a Happy Community

Build a Happy Community

Happy community as an influencer makes your work easier and brings you results. Aim to build an army of cheerleaders, loving what you do and willing to take action when you ask them. How? Create content they love! Study your audience and give them what they want. The loyal reader who signs up to your newsletter, the audience who retweet your tweets, those that subscribe to your YouTube channel, those leaving exciting comments on your post all make the total equation of your influencer journey. Without them, there is no influencing. Who really would you be influencing? You need to do everything you can to keep them and make them happy.


Sharpen Your Knowledge, Invest in Tools

Sharpen Your Knowledge, Invest in Tools
Look Studio/shutterstock

The influencer marketing sphere is competitive and brands are willing to spend their money on influencer marketing but they demand results. They expect influencers to help skyrocket their business growth, enhance their online presence, generate high-quality content, boost conversion, etc. To get these results, you need to invest in yourself.

Here are the tools you can invest in:

Instasize is a handy photo and video editing tool that simplifies the process of creating exciting visuals and content mostly on Instagram. If you want to optimize your images for your visual campaigns, Instasize is the must-have intuitive and creative tool you need.

Made: Social media stories are one of the most efficient ways to reach a lot of people. Made is what you need to levek up your IG & Facebook story game. Revamp your social media stories, with unique backgrounds, effects, exciting fonts. etc.

Enroll in influencer marketing courses, on Coursera, Dan Institute,, and other websites offering data-driven influencer marketing courses that can sharpen your knowledge in this field.


Find the Right Platform to Focus on

Find the Right Platform to Focus on

Every influencer has what works for them best. As an influencer, you should be able to know and understand on which digital platforms your content is best consumed. Is it TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, Linkedin, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter? Narrowing down your choice of platforms will allow you to focus your efforts and time to get the best return of your time investment.


Be Patient

Be Patient

Success doesn’t happen overnight; it applies to influencer marketing too. Many would-be influencers sign out too early, out of frustration they abandon the dream for something else. Have it in mind that it will take a while for the world to notice you even if you have the best content. So be patient, your time will definitely come.


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