Indonesia is Freezing Student Internships Program in Taiwan

We’ve highlighted below some of the most recent developments and occurrences in youth-related news and events. In this week’s Friday news we speak about Indonesia freezing student internship program in […]

We’ve highlighted below some of the most recent developments and occurrences in youth-related news and events. In this week’s Friday news we speak about Indonesia freezing student internship program in Taiwan, brain drain issue in Algeria and teacher’s association being slammed for opposing compulsory attendance rule.

Indonesia is freezing student internships program in Taiwan 

Strait Times reports that India is suspending recruitment for internship program in Taiwan following allegations that hundreds of Indonesian students were forced to work long hours in factories. Speaking of the issue, Foreign Ministry spokesman Arrmanatha Nasir stated that recruitment will be stopped “until an agreement on better management is reached”. Additionally, clarification regarding the matter was asked. Tawain’s education ministry said that no violations of local labour law were found. Currently, around 6000 Indonesian students are studying at Taiwanese universities.

Brain Drain issues in Algeria

The Union of Algerian Doctors and Researchers called for higher education to reconnect with the skilled Algerians abroad in order to reconnect scientific research outlets with the needs of the Algerian economy and society for the purpose of reducing brain drain issues, reports University World News. Also, the union announced that it was working on a national project aimed at encouraging scientific research. The National Syndicate of Researchers made a statement by the end of December, listing a number of demands such as the tenure for permanent researchers in the civil service and review of the status of permanent researchers, revision of salary scales, establishment of a permanent ministry for scientific research and technology, etc. The coordinator of the National Council of Higher Education Teachers, Abdelhafid Milat, said: “The university teachers’ situation has not changed one iota during these past 10 years. A real national project is needed that takes into account both the financial needs and the educational and logistical support needed to produce more, both pedagogical and in terms of research.”

Teachers association slammed for opposing compulsory attendance rule

The Economic Times reports that the Jawaharlal Nehru University administration slammed the varsity’s teachers association for opposing compulsory attendance rule for faculty members. Avinash Kumar, who is JNUTA secretary, stated: ”No university/institutes of higher learning in 75 premiere and highly ranked universities across 21 countries except one, has the practice of faculty signing daily attendance register or using biometrics.” According to the JNUTA, teachers who are not complying with the attendance rule have faced punitive actions from the administration.

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