If You Like To Take Photos Make Sure To Apply For International Photography Award

The Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Photography Award (HIPA) encourages young innovative photographers from around the world to take part in contest. The four categories selected for this year’s edition of the Award are bound to inspire participants into a journey that fathoms the nature of man in unseen details and explores the subtleties of our daily lives, to capture unique and outstanding moments in time. Deadline to apply is December 31.

There are four categories:

  • Happiness

This eternal search for happiness has inspired humankind to embark, not only on incredible life journeys, but experience great life moments. It takes a keen photographer’s eye to capture these secret moments of happiness.

Prizes are from $25,000 for the fist place to $10,000 for the fifth place.

  • Wildlife

A category for the adventurer at heart, wildlife photography captures all creatures great and small roaming free within their natural habitat. Photographers are invited to take us on a journey of discovery into the wild, and intrigue us with a rare insight into life within the animal kingdom.

Prizes are from $15,000 for the fist place to $6,000 for the fifth place.

  • Father and son

Organisers invite photographers to celebrate and capture what’s at the heart of the relationship a father holds with his son. A son has a unique relationship with his father, constantly aspiring to grow and be nurtured under his wing, to one day step out into the world and be the man he always saw, when he looked into his father’s eyes; Truly the makings of an awe-inspiring photograph.

Prizes are from $15,000 for the fist place to $6,000 for the fifth place.

  • General

A category as broad as ‘General’ can be mistaken for lacking inspiration for a photographer, but for a true artist it’s all the direction they need. A photographer sees great compositions around every corner, whether it be walking down the street, driving a car, enjoying lunch in a restaurant, or just relaxing at home. It’s for this very reason that photographer’s best friend will always be their beloved camera; because you never know when inspiration will strike you next.

Prizes are from $15,000 for the fist place to $6,000 for the fifth place.

There will be also two special awards: photography appreciation award (personal, group or team award): $20,000 and photographic research/report award: $25,000.

Please note, that the every photo must be a single work of original material created and/or taken by applicant and the same photo can not be submitted in more than one category. Any photo submitted in more than one category will be, subject to HIPA discretion, and without further notice, discarded from either a category or the entire competition. 

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