If You Are a Young Startupper, You Can’t Miss This Event in Denmark

The University Startup World Cup gathers the most promising student startups and brings them together for one intense week of development and networking. The event is fully funded and will take place from 18th to 22nd of September in Copenhagen. Deadline to apply is June 22nd. 

Couple of weeks ago our contributor Taulant Hoxha came up with post about 7 most innovative startups in Denmark. In the article he mentioned that, this Scandinavian country is well-known as a breakout startup scene that has already started to make its mark in the start-up ‘movement’ from around the world. And here is one more proof of that. In Denmark they decided to gather all young startuppers from whole over the world and give them opportunity to develop their projects.

The University Startup World Cup – is a unique opportunity to do some serious networking and work full-time on developing the idea. Furthermore, all teams will be offered a one year Booster Pack program, granting them access to knowledge and services that will help the teams move forward with their ideas, meet with investors and finally compete to be voted the best student startup in the world.

Please take into consideration that, the University Startup World Cup is for university students. Therefore, you must have at least one person on your team from a university.

In order to apply visit the official website.

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