How to Save Money on a Smartphone If You’re Between Jobs

If you’re currently between jobs and looking for a role in your perfect career, a smartphone might be essential to you right now. Most of us will use our smartphones for finding, researching, and applying to jobs, and they can come in handy for checking emails and speaking to recruiters and potential new employers on the go.

Save Money on a Smartphone

However, if you want to save money on a smartphone this is the right decision to take because you will see how it can be a significant monthly expense and one that you might want to reduce as much as possible if you’re currently looking for a new job and living on a reduced income.

Thankfully, there are several things that you can do to save money on a smartphone while ensuring that you’ve got access to the practicality it provides when applying for jobs and finding your dream career.

If you’re looking to cut your expenses and want to save money on a smartphone, here are some tips to keep in mind.


Opt for SIM Only Deals

A SIM only deal can be one of the best options for saving money if you are in between jobs and using your smartphone to find your ideal new role.

SIM only deals are much more flexible compared to traditional contracts since you are not tied in for any length of time and the payments do not usually impact your credit rating.

Lebara offer cheap SIM only deals that are very flexible and allow you to stay in control when it comes to how much you want to spend.

There is no minimum term, so if you don’t expect to need minutes, texts or data for a month, it’s possible to postpone your next payment and just use Wi-Fi to save money.

There’s no credit check required to sign up, making it ideal for anybody, and no reason to worry about being unable to make a payment and it impacting your credit score, which could in turn affect the jobs that you’re eligible for.


Second-Hand Handsets

If you are looking for a new smartphone handset to use for applying to jobs and keeping in contact with recruiters, you could be faced with a huge expense.

However, second-hand phones are becoming more and more available with new handsets released all the time and more and more people looking to sell their old one to make way for an upgrade.

The good news is that when it comes to having a smartphone to find a job, you don’t have to get the latest and best model.

You can often find older smartphones available second-hand fairly cheaply, and in great working condition too.

If you want to buy a second-hand phone, consider getting one that is being sold locally so that you can make any necessary checks to ensure that it’s in good working condition and is going to be ideal for your needs.


Refurbished Phones

If you want something a little bit more reliable that comes with a warranty and feels brand-new, a refurbished handset could be an ideal way to save money on your new smartphone if you’re in between jobs and need a handset to help you on your job search.

Refurbished phones are available in several different grades from good to pristine, so you can save more if you don’t mind using a phone that might have a couple of scuffs and marks that could be covered by a case, but is otherwise in excellent working condition.

There are also options to spread to cost when buying refurbished, which might be easier to manage for some people on a reduced income while they are in between jobs.


Pay as You Go

Pay as you go might be another option to consider if you only need to use your smartphone periodically.

If you’re in between jobs and have Wi-Fi that you tend to use for connecting your smartphone to the internet, sending messages and even making calls at home, a Pay as You Go SIM card can be the ideal way to make sure that you can contact employers who need you to call them, and only pay for what you need.

Pay as You Go allows you to top up from as little as £5 or £10 whenever you like, and your smartphone will still connect to Wi-Fi even if you don’t have any credit available.



If you currently have a phone handset that you want to upgrade for any reason, you may want to consider trading it in to save money on the cost of a new one.

This is often an option if you are buying a refurbished handset since manufacturers and retailers are always looking for new handsets that they can refurbish and sell on, and as a result might be happy to offer you a discount on your new phone in return for the trade.


Get an Older Phone

Do you really need one of the newer models?

Today, even the older smartphones that have been around for years are still very functional and offer all the resources that you need if you’re mainly going to be using your smartphone to keep in touch with family and friends, look for work, and get some entertainment.

Older iPhone models such as the iPhone 6 or iPhone 7 are perfect for the job, and are often available at seriously low prices since their value has been reduced simply because newer models have come out since they were released.


Borrow a Phone

If you are looking for a job and you aren’t in a position to buy a new smartphone handset, it might be worth finding out if you can borrow a phone from a friend or family member.

As new handsets are released all the time, it’s not uncommon for some people to have their old handsets lying around as spares, or perhaps they haven’t gotten around to selling it yet.

Either way, it might be worth asking your friends or loved ones if they have an old handset that they no longer use that they would be okay with you borrowing in the meantime.


Buy Now Pay Later

If you expect to be hired in a couple of months’ time, you might be interested in options for buying a smartphone handset that allow you to get the handset now but start paying for it later down the line.

There are several options to consider including plans where you pay nothing upfront and pay no interest if you clear the balance within a certain time period, or monthly payment plans that don’t start immediately.

However, it’s worth bearing in mind that these plans can often be more expensive in the long run, and will usually impact your credit score.

Therefore, it’s only a wise idea to opt for this kind of plan if you are unable to get a handset in any other way and are sure that you will be able to make the required payments when it is necessary.

Today, a smartphone has become more and more essential for those who are searching for a new job. Whether your employment was affected by COVID-19 and you’re currently looking for new work, or you are in between jobs after finishing your last contract, there are several ways to save money on a smartphone that you can use to find your next role.

Photos: Shutterstock 


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