How to Manage Risk with Glenn Frommer

The Youth Global Forum 2018 is now only a few weeks away! As the event draws closer, Youth Time International Movement continues to interview the experts who will be travelling from all over the world to share their knowledge and expertise with participants. One of these experts is Glenn Frommer, Managing Partner at ESG Matters, IVS. Glenn Frommer will be delivering his masterclass on the topic, “Managing Risk, Return and Impact Investing Goals”. This interview aims to provide Youth Global Forum 2018 participants with insight into what they can expect from the masterclass, in addition to learning how to best prepare for it.

Learn to manage the risk with Glenn Frommer

How to manage risk? Meet Glenn Frommer, one of the pioneers of sustainability and the environmental movement, having worked in the field for more than 30 years. Prior to joining ESG Matters IVS, Glenn held senior management positions with the Mass Transit Railway Corporation Ltd. in Hong Kong for more than 22 years where he published China’s first sustainability report embedding sustainability through an Enterprise Risk Management approach.

He has collaborated in drafting most of the international ESG reporting standards and also assisted stock exchange and rating agencies with the development of their ESG reporting requirements.

Glenn holds a PhD in Aerospace Sciences. He is an expert in noise and vibration and their application, a Fellow and member of several international and local professional bodies, a Fulbright Fellow, and a published author.

He is also the Honorary Chair of the UITP Sustainable Development Commission, having started the Working Group in 2001. Glenn lectures widely and consults on sustainability strategy and environmental mitigation, and is teaching at Copenhagen University and the EU Business School.


What is it about the Youth Global Forum 2018 that interests you most, and how does the overall theme align with your personal values and area of expertise?

The Youth Global Forum provides alignment with my personal goals.  My purpose is to set the highest standards in my chosen career, exceed them and facilitate family, friends and colleagues to exceed theirs. I will share my passion, teach the use of risk as a tool and demonstrate how the tool can be used in regard to impact investing.

Would you share with us a brief description of what your presentation on “Managing Risk, Return and Impact Investing Goals” is going to be about? Will there be any particular areas of focus?

The focus will be on risk, how it is used and its management. This will build on risk exposure in terms of likelihood and consequence and demonstrate how a Deming cycle is applied to its management. A sustainability context will frame impact investing and its goals and demonstrate how risk can be used internally and externally to target and inform investment.

What lessons can participants expect to gain from your masterclass and how will they best apply them in their future endeavors?

Participants will learn about risk, how it is used by Multi-National Organizations, how it is used in project management, and how the approach can also be applied personally to achieve individual goals.


Is there any advice you can offer in advance to Youth Global Forum 2018 participants who will attend your masterclass?

This will be business as unusual. Prepare to be challenged.


Are there any additional topics or elements you wish to bring to the participant’s attention or add to the discussion?

A basic understanding of the Triple Bottom Line and sustainable development would aid participants’ understanding of the material.

More about risk management you can read here.

Photo: From the Archive of Glenn Frommer

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