How To Make The Most of Short Revision Sessions

There are so many people in the world who can work actually only under the pressure that the short deadline takes. Life is changing every day and this might be one of the reasons why are we working only under those circumstances. But how to use short revision sessions and to make the most from the time you got? The answer is technique.

Having structured revision techniques is vital when it comes to studying for an exam and excelling at the subject. You might find yourself dedicating every moment of time you have to revise, or maybe you have found yourself with very little time left to go over everything. So, making the most of the short sessions that you do have makes a big difference. To get the most out of short revision sessions, we have put together some top tips that help.


Start Early

If you have an exam coming up the next day, get started on your last bits of revision as early as you can the day before. Maybe you’re spending the whole day at school, college or work, which can be stressful, leaving you with what seems like very little revision time. If this is the case and you do not have a full day to focus, be sure to take some time to destress and relax after your day before you dive straight into revision.

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How To Make The Most of Short Revision Sessions


Revise What You Have Learnt

Spend short intervals going over what you have studied and memorized already. Study past papers and reread your notes as they will likely come in extremely useful and be related to anything that might be in your tests. Try not to overload yourself with too much during short periods, to avoid making things seem harder than they are.


Switch Off Technology

Besides the obvious use of your laptop or smartphone for studying purposes, avoid technology as much as possible, especially social media and anything that will distract you. You will make the most out of every revision session with as few distractions as possible, so you can focus your full attention on the task at hand. There are many more ways to focus and stay totally alert while studying. Check out these 20 tips on how to focus when studying which will help teach you how to guide your mind and limit distractions.

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How To Make The Most of Short Revision Sessions


Take A Break

Even when you don’t have much time, it is important to remember to take breaks. This could just be something as simple as a short walk around the room. Taking a break between each topic is best to give your brain a short rest and improve productivity when you go onto the next topic.


Feed Your Brain

Although coffee can be helpful, be careful not to overdo it with coffee and energy drinks. Prepare your mind with healthy food and plenty of water to keep you going. There are numerous choices when it comes to brain-boosting foods that might surprise you.

How To Make The Most of Short Revision Sessions
How To Make The Most of Short Revision Sessions


Don’t Worry

Of course, this is easier to say than actually do. Don’t neglect your mental health and allow your stress levels to go into overdrive. If you feel yourself becoming panicked and stressed out, take a minute to breathe and relax. It is important for your overall focus and well-being to not let the pressure of succeeding at your exam cause you too much stress. Eliminate your worries of stress by following these straightforward ideas.

It is important to bear in mind that last-minute revision sessions shouldn’t be your go-to way of preparing for an exam. Only do this when necessary. Ensuring that you have plenty of time to revise as well as making use of short sessions is the best method for success.

Photos: Shutterstock

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