How To Improve Your LinkedIn Profile

Having a solid Linkedin profile can make or break your career prospects. Here, we look at the best ways you can make that step up and improve yourself.

In today’s day and age, the content that we publish on the internet can make or break us. Social media is a powerful tool that employers may reference when they review our resumes.

While it is important to avoid putting some details online, it can be equally as significant to publicly display certain information.


Profile Photo

The single most important element of your LinkedIn page is your profile photo. This is the first thing that anyone sees when they search for you.

Before they read your name, title or qualifications, their eyes will undoubtedly be drawn to your face.

This is why you need to consider taking a professional head-shot or at least put some thought into the photo that you choose.

There is no formula for the perfect profile picture. Consider what you want to convey to potential employers and other professional connections.

A clean background is typical and doesn’t take the focus away from you. However, depending on your profession or career goals, taking the photo in a relevant setting can be appropriate.

There is some truth to the cliche that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Your LinkedIn photo will speak volumes. Aim to look friendly but serious, kind yet professional.

You may want to take a look at photos of some of your role models or people in your field then put your spin on it.


Add A Background Photo

Although it’s not quite as important as your profile photo, you can express a lot with your background photo.

Personally, I like to use templates because they suggest simple but effective designs.

Background photos can be used to give some more information, including your contact details.

They can also show a product or service that you offer and want to promote.

If applicable, the background photo can simply show your work environment or include photos of you at work. If you work with cars, it can be car-themed.

If you design websites, it can be a popular or successful example of your work.

Just consider what you want to highlight using this extra feature on your LinkedIn profile and use it to your advantage.


Skills and Endorsements

Many people will fill out all of their education and work experience, then call it a day. But perhaps one of the most valuable features on LinkedIn is the skills and endorsements section.

This is where you list the skills that you are most proud of or that can help you get the job you want.

Others can then endorse yo


This is where you list the skills that you are most proud of or that can help you get the job you want.

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Skills And Endorsements, may seem a small part of your profile, but they can make a real impact.

Others can then endorse you with the click of a button. LinkedIn will even encourage them to do so.

It can be a great idea to add your close friends and colleagues on LinkedIn. Then, ask them to endorse you in exchange for endorsing them.

Obviously, try to remain truthful as your future employer may take these endorsed skills seriously.


It is also possible to write recommendations on people’s LinkedIn profiles, so consider asking the people you’ve worked with to help you out.


Post on LinkedIn

Even though LinkedIn differs from other forms of social media, you can still make posts. There are even people who share personal, not work-related updates and even silly memes on LinkedIn.

Once again, there is no rule about this. If you are a serious CEO and want people to see you as a regular person, a well-chosen meme or gif can do wonders.

Likewise, if you want to be seen as more professional, you can post motivational quotes or even write your own articles.

There is only one thing to consider when posting on LinkedIn – your future boss may see it.

While the world is changing and posting funny things is not necessarily considered completely unprofessional, you may want to think what your LinkedIn posts will say about you as a candidate for your dream job.


Triple Check Everything

No matter what you decide to post on your LinkedIn, make sure you double-check everything. Consider having a friend or family member do a quick proofread because two sets of eyes are always better than one.

Alternatively, consider getting the free Grammarly extension that will help you check for errors no matter where you are writing. It is so easy to make a typo and it can have serious consequences.

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Check-Up: It never hurts to edit your profile

Your LinkedIn profile may seem like just another social media platform. It doesn’t take a lot of time to craft a great page that will show you in your best light.

Some extra effort can turn a simple free page into a powerful tool that can give you the career opportunity of a lifestyle.

Just take some time to consider how you want to be viewed by potential employers and present yourself in a way that may change your life.

If you’re on LinkedIn, you might be looking for a new role, here’s how we can help with that:

The Ultimate Guide To Writing A Killer Cover Letter

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