Personality Possible to Amend in 10 Weeks

Almost half of our personality comes from genes when it comes to openness, extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness and neuroticism. But as much as they are inheritable, they also change with time, thinks Austrailian scientist.

Dr. Lesley Sue Martin of the University of Wollongong claims that change is possible for highly motivated people within 10 weeks with the help of coaching.

People tend to underestimate the power of personalities, but it can have great effect on our mental and physical health, achievements, goals and even our relationships.

In her study Martin and her asked 50 participants about the strength of their motivation to really change what they didn’t like. About half wanted to change their neuroticism, some wished to alternate their conscientiousness. 

Over the next 10 weeks everyone had to participate in one-hour coaching sessions, relating to to different personality facets. 

At the end of her study Martin not only concluded that everyone change, but it was still evident three months later.

As people say practice makes perfect, if we can teach our bodies to do things like run, cook, dance, stand straight, then why not try the same with our minds.

Find out more at the University of Wollongong official website.

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