Help Syrian Students Get Back On Their Studies

As the world is experiencing the biggest refugee crisis since the WW II, all coutries are tackling this crisis in different ways - some of them being more generous, meanwhile some others not willing to do their part. However, some people try to do even more than countries. Former Portuguese President Jorge Sampaios, launched very interesting initiative to help young refugees get back on their studies. And each of you can give your contribution.

Named ‘Global Platform for Syrian Students‘ and this initiative is a non-profit multi-stakeholders organisation, founded in November 2013, by Jorge Sampaio, former President of Portugal – with the support of institutional partners such as; Council of Europe, the League of Arab States, the International Organization of Migrations and the Institute of International Education. 

The uniqueness of this initiative is that it effectively brings together the efforts and the contribution of various stakeholders who are willing to support this emergency mechanism for helping Syrian students. Governments, international, national and regional organisations, donors, universities, foundations, NGOs of different cultural backgrounds and faith-based organizations, private sector and individuals – whom in one way or another can give their effort are encouraged to be part of this initiative.

Even though that this initiative proved to be a very effective and low-cost model, the lack of funding has left another 700 Syrian students without scholarships – who are in need to continue their studies in spite of having secured their admission at University with tuition fee waivers. Some additional 50 Syrian Students have already joined this programme for the 2014-2015 Academic Year and 40 Syrian Students will very soon start the Academic Year 2015 – 2016 at different universities in Portugal.

If you think that in some way you can give your contribution, you should definitely get in touch and see how you can give your contribution.

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