Hash Code Programming Competition

University students in programming and industry professionals from Europe, the Middle East and Africa are welcome to apply for the Hash Code Competition. It is a team programming competition organized by Google. In the program, you pick your team and programming language, and Google picks a real-life engineering problem for you to solve.

Hash Code started in 2014 as a one-day programming competition for students and professionals from across France. Today it is a global event.

For the Online Qualification Round, your team can participate from anywhere. To make this round a bit more exciting, you can volunteer to organize a hub (e.g. at your university) where local teams can come together to compete. The Final Round will take place in Dublin, Ireland.

For the Final Round, the three teams with the highest scores will be awarded Google prizes. Every participant will also get a certificate of qualification to the Final Round and a gift bag.

Main criteria

  • Hash Code is open to university students and industry professionals in Europe, the Middle East and Africa;
  • Participants register and compete in teams of two to four;
  • The only thing you need for the Online Qualification Round is a computer connected to the Internet.

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