Hansen Summer Institute On Leadership And International Cooperation

Applications are now open for the 2018 Hansen Summer Institute on Leadership and International Cooperation which will take place on June 29- July 25, 2018 in San Diego, USA. The deadline for applications is on 9 January 2018.

Funded by a generous grant from the Fred J. Hansen Foundation, the Hansen Institute will host is ninth group of youth leaders in July 2018 at the University of San Diego School of Leadership and Education Sciences (SOLES).

A primary goal of the program focuses on creating an international community of young scholars who will use their summer experience as a foundation for creating lasting friendships and acquiring common practical understanding of a more peaceful future. Fellows receive hands-on training in team-building, public speaking, negotiation, mediation and working together to solve international problems. Moreover, they learn to listen actively and to look for common interests and building realistic bridges of cooperation.

The Hansen Summer Institute is fully funded by the Fred J. Hansen Foundation. This includes international airfare, room and board and all programmatic costs. If selected, the only cost to participants will be the fees incurred in obtaining a passport, a U.S. visa and spending money.

Main criteria

  • Upper division undergraduate with 2 years of college/university or graduate students with a professional interest in international relations, diplomacy, international economic development or related fields are eligible to apply;
  • Students must be between the ages of 20-25 on July 1, 2018;
  • Successful applicants must demonstrate leadership potential by having worked outside of class in community service, another public service, or in a non-governmental organization;
  • A letter of reference from such a group or organization is required;
  • Preference may be given to students who have never been to the United States before but all qualified students are encouraged to apply.

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