Grant Supporting Independent Journalism And Innovation

Open Society Foundations inviting independent journalists to apply for the Program on Independent Journalism which supports promising initiatives led by individuals or collectives that strive to improve their journalism under difficult circumstances, such as autocracy, violence, repression, or poverty. Grant applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.

Win the Grant Supporting Independent Journalism

Main criteria for Grant Supporting Independent Journalism 

  • Local and international organizations, networks, startups and informal groups involved in the production of journalism under difficult circumstances, investigative reporting, or freedom of expression and the protection of journalists are eligible for support are welcome to apply for grant support independent journalism.
Please note that individual journalistic projects such as documentaries, books, personal study courses, specific story proposals, or training for journalists, specific investigations or individual projects as well as project-based organisations targeting countries where journalists are deemed at risk are illegible to apply.

First of all organizers support creative, talented, and open-minded groups or media organizations working on any platform, especially in the places where verified, trustable information is not only scarce but also difficult to produce.

Their priorities include: the development of new ideas, breaking new ground, and taking advantage of digital revolution.

Please complete the grant inquiry form to briefly describe your organization or media outlet, current work, and main challenges, as well as what you expect to achieve.

Find out more.

Read more here.

Fully Funded Investigative Journalism Conference In Nepal

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