Global Leadership Challenge: Call for Applicants

Nudge and The Leadership Group announced  Global Leadership Challenge 2015. It is an opportunity for youth to train their leadership skills, the network and the publicity to realise their goals. The three-day-long event will be held from 20th to 22nd of November in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Deadline to apply is July 15th.

60 young talented people from all over the world, age between 23 and 33 will be invited to join the event in Amsterdam. Participation is fully funded. Applicants may come from both the commercial and civil sector or work for an NGO or social enterprise. As it is written in the event’s description “Only one criterion counts: leadership talent”.

Participants will be challenged to share their vision and work, to excel in debate and dialogue, to inspire with speeches and to show team spirit. On occasion they will be allowed to lean back and listen to world-class speakers.

During the conference there also will be award of: Best Global Young Leader in Sustainability 2015 under the theme “Leadership in the Age of Transformation“.

Find out more on the event’s official website.

Youth Time events are also dedicated to leadership. So don’t miss an opportunity to apply. The next event organised by YT – Summer School 2015 will be held in Hamburg, Germany, 18th-22th June, 2015. Deadline to apply is March 20th. Learn more about the school, read school’s FAQ and find out how to become a Youth Time member.  

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