The German Bundestag invites committed university graduates from South Africa, Botswana and Namibia to participate in a scholarship programme in Berlin in January 2022. The four-week programme will focus on the German parliamentary system and decision-making processes in the German Bundestag. Additionally, participants will attend a one-week internship. The deadline is on Saturday 31st July 2021.
Since 2020, the German Bundestag has been offering a scholarship programme for politically committed young university graduates from South Africa, Namibia and Botswana who are interested in the German parliamentary system and who actively support basic democratic values in their home countries.
In a four-week compact programme, eight fellows can get to know the German parliamentary system and political decision-making processes in the German Bundestag up close.
The core of the programme is a one-week internship in the office of a member of the German Bundestag.
Through the scholarship, the participants will receive a grant of €500, insurance, free accommodation, and airfare.
The deadline is on Saturday 31st July 2021.
Main Criteria
Candidates should be citizens of one the three participating countries younger than 30 years at the beginning of the scholarship.
A completed university degree and very good knowledge of the German language are required. Interest in political contexts as well as social and political engagement is encouraged.
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