Future Leaders Forum 2016 In Latvia

If you are interested in diplomacy or politics, fee free to apply for the Rīga Conference Future Leaders Forum 2016. The even will be held from 27th to 29th of October 27-29 in National Library of Latvia. This year the Forum will gather young, talented and motivated people from all over the world for three days of spirited discussions and workshops. Deadline to apply is August 28th.

The Rīga Conference Future Leaders Forum 2016 is a good possibility for future leaders to raise awareness about the region’s and world’s most important foreign, defence and security policy issues – transatlantic defence, economic and security challenges faced by the EU and NATO, policy priorities of Eastern Partnership, and relationship with Russia, changing influence and evolving relations of the European Union and assess what can be done now and in the future to facilitate Euro-Atlantic dynamism and prosperity.

Main criteria: 

  • • 18 – 30 years old;
  • • Interest in foreign policy and security issues;
  • • Fully available for the entire program duration;
  • • Fluent in English.

Application process

In order to complete your application, please fill in the application form for Future Leaders Forum 2016.

Creative task

Please describe your thoughts on 21st century NATO’s biggest security threats.

You are welcomed to give your own unique answer in a creative way using:

  • MS Word (no more than 1 page);
  • MS Power point slide show (no more than 10 slides);
  • Video (in a less than 3 min video answer);
  • Or any other preferred format.

Send your creative task to Pēteris Rēķis.

Please note that travel and accommodation costs are not covered.

Find out more.

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