Fully Funded Youth4Regions Media Programme

Applications are open for this year’s edition of the Youth4Regions Media Programme. If you are studying journalism, submit your best words or images on a project co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund or the Cohesion Fund. You will have the chance to join other 27 students, one from each EU Member State, in Brussels on 7 – 11 October. The deadline for submitting the application and the works is on 29th of June.

The Youth4Regions Media Programme is an annual event dedicated to preparing the next generation of journalists specialized in Regional Policy. It takes place within the European Week of Regions and Cities.

The winners will receive practical work experience as a journalist covering Europe’s largest regional development event, training in journalism, communication and Regional Policy, and mentorship from professional journalists.

Travel related expenses and accommodation are covered.

Main criteria

  • Applicants should be journalism students aged 18 to 30;
  • Citizenship of an EU Member State as well as being a registered journalism student in the EU are required;
  • Participants should have strong command of English as all written communications are in English.

The jury will assess eligible applications basted on the degree of originality of their submitted works, extent to which they are compelling, respect for the ethical principles of journalism and rigorous approach in terms of research and field work.

Find out more.


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