Fully Funded Opportunity: Future Innovators Summit 2017 In Austria

Young innovators from all over the world are welcome to apply for the Future Innovators Summit 2017. The event will be held from 7th to 10th of September, at Ars Electronica Festival 2017 in Linz, Austria. Participation is fully funded. Deadline to apply is July 17th.

The Future Innovators Summit 2017 will be challenged to look for the ultimate Creative Question which will lead to think about Missions for Tomorrow– concepts which are inevitably linked to the main topic of the festival “Artificial Intelligence – The Other I”.

This year, FIS is focusing on the following themed groups under which you can apply:

  • Future Humanity

When we are facing a world where machines could evolve to be better thinkers and better doers than humans, what future awaits us? And what will be our motivations to live? Future Humanity seeks out our visions and missions in correlation with technology, other beings and ourselves.

  • Future Work

Who or what defines our concept of work in today’s world and, when and how will this change? For what reasons and mission do we work, and what will we as humans be looking for in the future? Future Work will explore how and why we work and what the concept of work will really look like in years to come.

  • Future Home

What is your home? The meaning of home has continuously been evolving since humans first walked the earth. Once considered as a refuge for survival, living and relaxing, but now for future nomads, what will smart homes, creative hubs, digital communities, cities and nation states be? What other factors of homes need attention for us to acknowledge the place that we take shelter, as home? Future Home asks you to evolvement of homes in the future.

To apply for the Future Innovators Summit, you should prepare the following materials:

  • Short biography (max. 200-300 words) incl. photo in high resolution (min. 1 MB) and contact information;
  • Video (max. 3 min) in which you present your response to the questions and your motivation for taking part in the Future Innovators Summit at Ars Electronica Festival 2017- and eventually mention which of the three main topics you are interested in;
  • Materials that reflect your ideas and response to the questions (artwork and project, prototype, research, system, activity, strategy etc.).

Participation is fully funded. All selected applicants will receive the following benefits: travel & accommodation, full festival pass including Ars Electronica Gala ticket, participation in networking dinner and events.

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