Anna Lindh Foundation is organizing on 14-19 January 2019 the first Regional Leadership Seminar in the framework of its flagship “Young Mediterranean Voices” programme. The Regional Leadership Seminar will bring together 20/24 young emerging leaders from the participating countries of the Young Mediterranean Voices (YMV) for a 5-day programme including access to international institutions, media mentoring networks, and European peers. The deadline for the application is 20th of September.
The Seminar will combine innovative methodologies to support the participants to work together in a fresh and exciting way, with a focus on tackling a common challenge relevant to societies to the south and north of the Mediterranean.
The components of the seminar programme include leading through values, cultural intelligence and digital outreach, and will provide trainees with direct exposure to established leaders (Club de Madrid member) and EU policymakers (co-ordinated by MEDAC and in close collaboration with the EU headquarters).
The following criteria will be applied in the selection procedure:
- Interest in and proven capacity for engaging in policy advocacy on the regional stage.
- Knowledge of the socio-political environment at a local and national level.
- Capacity and capability to reach out to communities, to ensure opportunities are provided to all members of the network.
- Interest in Euro-Mediterranean issues/culture.
- Knowledge around youth sector issues.
- Proven research and analytical skills.
- Strong English speaker, and comprehension.
The results of the selection will be decided by 4 October 2018. Only the shortlisted applicants will be contacted. A reserve list with those who have not been selected will be kept as a pool for upcoming opportunities.
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