Global Peace Summit is a platform where young peace builders will gather across the world and share their thoughts for concept on #PeaceByDialouge. The summit will take place in Johannesburg, […]
Global Peace Summit is a platform where young peace builders will gather across the world and share their thoughts for concept on #PeaceByDialouge. The summit will take place in Johannesburg, South Africa in April, 2019. The deadline is on February 28th.
GPS is providing an opportunity to extra ordinary young, competent, and enthusiastic peace builders from 50+ countries where they can execute their ideas and get specific road map to attain sustainable development by receiving technical support. Airfare and accommodation will be provided for successful candidates.
Conference Themes:
Peace Education: Promoting peaceful thoughts which states that terrorism and violence has nothing to do with any caste ,color, ethnicity, region and religion.
Global Citizenship: Promoting youth voice on peace and social justice issues like human rights, terrorism, fifth generation war and conflicts.
Signatory Campaign: Amplify the voice of youth on Peace & Social Justice (1 million voices).
Youth Development: Providing youth a platform to excel their leadership traits.
Main criteria
- Applicants should be 16-35 years old. Students and young professionals are encourage to apply;
- There is a 30$ application fee which will be reimbursed upon rejection.
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