Fully Funded: Creative Generations Forum In France

Are you between 18 and 30 years, in charge of a project that strengthen the notion of citizenship in your city? You want to share it and to take part a great meeting gathering over 60 participants from all over Europe? Apply for Nantes Creative Generations Forum. The 2016 Forum will take place in Nantes on 26-29 October. Participation is fully funded.

Nantes Creative Generations (NCG) is a programme organized by Nantes Métropole and the City of Nantes. The Forum aims to bring together young people to present their innovative and inspirational projects linked to citizenship.

Main criteria:

  • Age between 18 and 30;
  • Live in a Council of Europe member state;
  • Have an idea or project for “living together”, which promotes solidarity, fosters cultural exchanges and encourages greater respect for and openness towards others, etc.

Transport, accommodation and food costs of European participants are covered by Nantes Métropole (max. 2 participants per project). Please note that participants are asked to book their transport tickets themselves. The organization will then refund travel expenses up to 400 Euros per person, according to the original receipts and tickets sent by the participants. Refunds are provided approximatively 2 months after the Forum.

Deadline to apply is June 12.

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