Fully Funded ADB Summer Internship Programme

Current graduate students from Asian Development Bank member states are invited to apply for a summer internship. The eight-week placement will commence in June 2022. The deadline is on Wednesday 15th September 2021.

The Asian Development Bank Internship Programme is a project-oriented learning opportunity for graduate students to gain experience through research assignments based on ADB’s current operational needs.

The ADB Internship is a fully funded international internship for international students. The internships last for eight weeks starting in June 2022. 

The internship programme offers the opportunity to work in a major international development organization and gain a deeper understanding of development finance. 

The deadline is on Wednesday 15th September 2021. 


Main Criteria

Candidates should be graduate students studying in one of the ADB member nations. 

Applicants should provide their CVs and answer the essay questions.

ADB evaluates applications based on eligibility requirements, the relevance of the academic study and work experience; and the level of interest and motivation to contribute to development work.

Find out more now. 

Another opportunity right here:

Georg Forster Research Awards For International Scholars

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