Five Benefits of Philanthropy

Helping others is at the very core of society and one aspect of this is philanthropy. Here are the best benefits of it.

Philanthropy is defined as the desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes. 

However, there are many ways to be philanthropic, even if you don’t have a lot to give. It is possible to volunteer your time, share your experiences, and find other ways to give back.

Like many things in life, philanthropy is great because it benefits the person giving and the person or people who are receiving it.


Better Mental Health

One of the most significant impacts of philanthropic acts is on one’s mental health. Although many aspire to be good samaritans and give selflessly, studies show that charitable actions make the one performing them feel better. 

Volunteering, in particular, has many benefits and is even said to lower levels of depression and reduce stress. 


Tax Reductions

It’s not all about hearts and rainbows; monetary donations can be written off your taxes and end up saving you some money. 

Sometimes employers will allow their employees to take a certain amount of work hours off in order to volunteer. 

This benefits the employees because it can be paid time off and will enable them to volunteer abroad. It can also have financial benefits for the company. 


Improved Reputation

Another reason companies allow their employees to spend time volunteering is that it helps them build an excellent reputation. This is another way that philanthropy can have a selfish cause. 

However, if those in need benefit from it, the cause can be a secondary concern. Individuals may also experience a change in reputation if they become known for their philanthropic acts.


Social Connections

Unless it is done anonymously, charitable actions often come with social interactions. Galas are examples of social events where attending and donating can help you network. 

Volunteering can also introduce you to people you would never have otherwise met on a smaller scale. 

The people you meet could become close friends, future colleagues, or even business partners. The opportunities are endless and up to every individual to pursue.


Make A Difference

There are so many different causes to support, and it is great to go with something that is close to your heart.

Donating money and time to research terminal diseases, helping a new start-up, and sponsoring a young person can all continue real change. 

Obviously, everything you give makes a difference, but it could make all the difference if the money, time, or expertise you give helps find a cure or invent something that can have large-scale impacts. 

Giving it back is a concept that is often talked about. Humans are social animals, and we love to interact with each other, lend a hand, and get recognized for our good actions. 

Philanthropy is a wonderful way to help others while also reaping many benefits. Consider getting involved in a charity at whatever capacity is comfortable to you and see for yourself!

Making the world a better place is at the core of philanthropy and it is for ThinkYoung too.

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