Few Private Universities in Kenya Face Closure

We’ve highlighted below some of the most recent developments and occurrences in youth-related news and events. In this week's Friday news we speak about the closure of Kenyan private universities, Chinese graduates from foreign universities who come back home and new education standards for future priests.

Three Kenyan private universities face closure

Kenya has 31 public universities, 14 universities with letters of interim authority and 18 private chartered universities.The Commission for University Education (CUE) recommended that Presbyterian University of East Africa (PUEA) should be shut down, and Kenya Methodist University (KeMU) and Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) have been given a year to restructure their operations. Many universities face cash flow problems, have inadequate teaching staff and poor facilities. The future of PUEA now lies in hands of acting education cabinet secretary Fred Matiang’i. The report also states: “KeMU whose workforce, both academic and administrative, reported being intimidated and having no promotion and no voice because they were not unionised.” 

Chinese graduates from foreign universities come back home

Chinese graduates are answering the call of home more than ever before. Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen are becoming much more lucrative than careers on Wall Street or in Silicon Valley. Typically, most of the students studying abroad wish to stay in that country. The National Science Foundation report from 2013 shows that 92 per cent of Chinese graduates with American PhDs remained in the USA five years after graduation. However, this trend seems to be changing. In 2016, there was a 37.61 per cent growth in the number of students studying abroad and a 56.95 per cent growth in those that returned to China. The strenght of the Chinese economy and the tech industry are singled out as main reasons for their return, reports Forbes.

New education standards for future priests introduced by Pope Francis

Pope Francis issued revised norms in the apostolic constitution Veritatis Gaudium (”the Joy of Truth”). The new constitution will be implemented by the Catholic Church’s 289 ecclesiastical faculties and 503 related institutions that issue degrees that are recognized by Vatican. Secretary of the Congregation for Catholic Education, Archbishop Angelo Vincenzo Zani sad that there are 19 ecclasiastical faculties and 25 related institutes in North America. Pope Francis wrote in the new constitution that it was time “to promote with thoughtful and prophetic determination the renewal of ecclesiastical studies at every level, as part of the new phase of the church’s mission, marked by witness to the joy born of encountering Jesus and proclaiming his Gospel”.

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