Fellowshop Opportunity At OSCE Parliamentary Assembly In Copenhagen or Vienna

The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly International Secretariat regularly engages eight or nine graduate students of political science, law and international relations from universities in OSCE countries as Research Fellows in Copenhagen or Vienna.

Tasks are:
  • conduct substantive research on various projects for the Assembly and provide assistance to its officials and staff members;
  • prepare briefing reports for parliamentary delegations, including for election observation missions and official visits by Parliamentary Assembly Members;
  • assist in the planning and execution of meetings of the Assembly, work with Assembly Committees, follow the work of OSCE Field Missions, and assist in the drafting of various Assembly reports;
  • draft speeches and statements and write papers on special projects undertaken by the Assembly’s Secretariat;
  • assist with day-to-day practical work in the office
  • graduate students between the ages of 21 and 26 from universities in OSCE countries;
  • strong research and writing abilities and a solid academic background;
  • specific interests in the politics of the OSCE region, and particularly the former Soviet Union, are desirable;
  • excellent written and spoken English is required as this is the working language, and one other official OSCE language (French, German, Italian, Russian or Spanish) is desirable.

Participation is fully funded. Deadline to apply: 1st of October. So hurry up.


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