Fellowship For Social Entrepreneurs

The Global Good Fund, international development enterprise built by social entrepreneurs, is accepting applications from social entrepreneurs for 2017 Fellowship Program cohort. Deadline to apply is June 1st.

Main criteria are:

  • Demonstrated leadership and growth potential;
  • Candidate is committed to social impact and is driving significant change;
  • The enterprise that the candidate leads is at least one year old;
  • The enterprise must have at least one full-time employee in addition to the candidate;
  • Candidate is coachable – embraces honest feedback and desires to improve;
  • Candidate actively mentors and invests in team members or other individuals;
  • The enterprise is or will be financial sustainable (50% or more of the budget is generated revenue).
  • Under 40 years of age (if older, explain rationale for Fellowship).

There are 4 stages in the application process.

Part 1 of the application consists of a preliminary questionnaire. This questionnaire is reviewed for fit with The Global Good Fund’s Fellowship criteria. Candidates who meet the above requirements will be invited to participate in Part 2 of the application process. Deadline: June 1, 2016
Part 2 of the application consists of an informal video recording that answers three questions. The Candidate’s video will be reviewed and scored on a 1-5 scale, 1 being the lowest score and 5 being the highest. Candidates who receive a score of 3 or higher will advance to the next stage. Deadline: June 20, 2016.
Questions are:
  • Your motivation to set-up your enterprise;
  • What your enterprise does; and
  • Why you and your enterprise are unique and can address this specific problem area more effectively than anyone else. 
Part 3 of the application consists of a written section that assesses leadership, the enterprise, and social impact. Each written application will be read and scored by at least two reviewers. Deadline: July 20, 2016
Part 4 of the application consists of a 2 hour virtual site visit. The Global Good Fund will speak to the candidate, core team members, and community members. These conversations will occur throughout the selection process. Finalists will be notified about their selection result in December 2016.

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