Explore International Summer School Beijing 2017 Day-By-Day

With the Youth International Summer School (organized by Youth Time International Movement and China Soong Ching Ling Foundation) coming up to us in rapid pace, we are excited to share with you more in depth details on the program. As such, you can expect to be provided with an overview of the yet confirmed international speakers and the material they will be offering at the event. In case you didn’t sign up yet for the event, which will take place from the 5th till 10th of June 2017, get ready to find out what you could be missing out on.

The International Summer School 2017.

Arrival Day

On arrival day of the International Summer School, all international participants will have to register and attend their first meeting. For people that might find it a challenge to meet strangers, the meeting is hosted by Youth Time’s ambassadors and is all about having fun and getting to know each other.

So don’t worry, all people come from all over the world, there is a wide variety of ages, study backgrounds and interests, therefore everybody will find a group of people they get along with very well.

In other words, during this day all participants will lay the foundation for a group of great people to hang out with during the event or as history has proven will be the start of long lasting friendships.


Building Day

During “Building day” participants will have the opportunity to study what successful start-ups are made of and how to build a base for a start-up company.

This year the organization is privileged to have Dr. Vladimir Yakunin again as an honorary guest speaker to open the event, by sharing from his rich experience in international business and diplomacy.

In the afternoon participants can enjoy ‘the labyrinth’ workshop hosted by experiential trainer Bogdan Vaida: ‘a workshop where collaboration and leadership meet division and powerlessness’.


Collaboration Day

During “Collaboration day” participants will study how to communicate and collaborate with the world around them. In the morning there will be a key-note speech from Team performance expert and former Change director of Barclays PLC, Nick Fewings, sharing with us his ideas on how to establish collaboration for future success.

Here participants will come to understand why and how behaviours impact on collaboration and will be provided practical hints and tips on how to adapt to an effective communication style.

In the afternoon participants will have a chance to take part in a workshop hosted by entrepreneur Hrishabh Sandilya on intercultural communication, in which participants will find out how people’s culture, shapes their behaviour and attitude.


Sales Day

During “Sales day” participants will study how to sell an idea, project or product in an international environment. As such, we’ll kick of the day with a keynote speech of the director of an international business school IPMI, Dr. Jimmy Gani, who will lecture us on: Multicultural communication as key to a successful sales.

Here people come to understand what is key in the marketing of an international start-up. In the afternoon we’ll conclude with an imitation/business game: Sell me, where participants will be challenged to implement all the knowledge they’ve gathered throughout the event in developing a sales strategy for a certain project or product.


Exchange day

During “Exchange day” participants will explore Beijing’s highlights in organized guided tours, offered by our partner organization China Soong Ching Ling Foundation.

Participants will be divided in teams and take part in small assignments through which the rich and beautiful history of China will reveal itself.

At night there will be an incredible end party after the official closing ceremony where the event will officially be concluded by Youth Time’s president Ms. Julia Kinash and Mr. Hang Yuanxiang, Executive Vice Chairman of China Soong Chin Ling Foundation.

Soon more information about the event, The International Summer School, and in depth interviews with the international experts about the workshops will be launched at Youth Time Magazine’s website, so to stay informed please check regularly Youth Time’s website.

In case you have become interested to join the event, please visit the event’s website and sign up before the deadline of April 15th 2017.

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