Most Important Things to Know About Passports

Who wouldn’t wish to ensure visa free-entry to 174 countries at a cost of just 28 pounds? And all this by spending only one hour of your life! Swedish citizens are lucky enough to hold the most powerful passport in the world according to a recent ranking published by the travel planner platform GoEuro.

The research compared 50 different passports around the world based on their cost, number of hours work needed to acquire one, the duration of their validity, and the amount of visa-free countries that they ensure.

By combining these factors Sweden, Finland, Germany, United Kingdom and USA are topping the list for providing visa-free access to more than 174 countries to their citizens. Eight out of ten first countries are located in Europe with the Spanish passport to be the cheapest of them.

On the other side of the spectrum, Afghan passport holders are supposed to spend 183 hours before they can obtain the document that will provide them access to just 28 countries at a cost of £69. Turkish passports were ranked as the most expensive at £166, while UAE passports are the cheapest ones. £9 and it’s yours.

As might be expected Scandinavian people are very willing to travel. Another survey published last October by Timetric, the independent economic and business research firm has also showed that Scandinavian citizens are the ones who travel the most, both domestically and internationally. According to the data all Nordic countries (apart from Iceland) are included in the top 5 with the Finns topping the chart with an average of 7.5 trips per person a year.

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