European Youth Award Inviting Creating Entrepreneurs And Journalists

European Youth Award inviting young activists from all over Europe to apply for this year's contest. The annual winners event (EYA Festival) is a unique event combining knowledge - innovation - networking - inspiration - motivation taking place in Graz in November. Deadline to apply is July 15th.

The European Youth Award is a pan-European contest to motivate young people, social entrepreneurs and start-ups to produce digital projects with impact on society. It demonstrates their potential to create innovative solutions with Internet and Mobile technology addressing the goals defined by the Council of Europe and Europe 2020. EYA is organized by the International Center for New Media, a Non-Profit Organization based in Salzburg, Austria.

Main criteria:

  • Creative minds under the age of 33 (born on or after January 1, 1983);
  • Living in one of the member states of the European Union or Council of Europe;
  • Who have produced an outstanding, innovative digital project to improve society (eg website, app, wearable device, digital installation).

EYA Winners present their inspiring projects and receive feedback from Europe’s most vibrant and lively digital community and engaged students. The festival finishes with an evening of excellence when the winning teams are honoured and celebrated on an international stage (EYA Gala Ceremony).

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