Erasmus Volunteering in Bag, Hungary

Young people from selected European countries are invited to apply for the long-term volunteering opportunity in Bag, Hungary. Volunteers will work with youngsters and organize afterschool activities. The 48-week programme will commence in July 2021. The deadline is on Sunday 4th April 2021.

Since 2011, BAGázs association has been working to provide Roma people, a local minority in Hungary, with opportunities, mentoring, and training on entrepreneurship, legal and cultural aspects.

In Bag and Dány, the association organizes afterschool activities for local children and youngsters.

Volunteers will actively participate in the life of local communities, hold English-speaking group activities and join the most awaited summer camps.

Your tasks will include organising and animating afternoon clubs, craft and sport days, weekly visits in the local schools and many other thematically planned activities that focus on community development and disadvantage compensation.

Volunteers will be accommodated in a shared apartment. They get monthly pocket money and food allowance.

The travel costs to Hungary and back will be refunded based on the distance band limits imposed by the European Commission. Local transportation will be covered with monthly bus tickets.

The deadline is on Sunday 4th April 2021.


Main Criteria

Long-term volunteers should be between 21 and 30 years of age. Empathetic and sensitive to cultural differences. Reliable communication skills in English are necessary.

Eligible countries:

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, Ukraine, Iceland, North Macedonia, Serbia

Find out more now.

Another great opportunity here:

Wallonia-Brussels International Post-Doctoral Research Scholarships

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