Emotional Intelligence: A Vital Trait For Success?

Emotional intelligence, no matter the situation, can play a huge part in success or failure. But how does it help at work?

Inadequate emotional intelligence can limit and sometimes wreck our thought process for the perception of emotions, in ourselves and the emotions of others, in order to form a proper thoughtful reaction to everyday situations. 

Being gifted with or developing good emotional intelligence does exactly the opposite. Such individuals are not only able to recognise their own emotions but also are able to respond to other people’s emotional state effectively. 

Having a good Emotional Quotient (EQ) keeps the doors always open to be able to arrive at the right decisions, more often than not.


The Percentages

According to studies, a good EQ can be developed at any time in our lives. This particular study summarises the vital necessity very well: “To be successful, emotional intelligence has an importance as great as mathematical intelligence. 

Therefore, employers are increasingly looking for more people with emotional intelligence. 

Researchers have shown that our success at work or in life depends on emotional intelligence 80% and only 20% of intellect. 

While our intellect helps us to resolve problems, to make calculations or to process information, Emotional intelligence allows us to be more creative and use our emotions to resolve our problems. 

Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive and express, assimilate emotion in thought, understanding the prism of emotions and adjust ourselves and others emotions. 

Unlike logical-mathematical intelligence, which suffers insignificant modifications once the end of adolescence, emotional intelligence can be developed over time, free of age limit, with the condition that it is provided the necessary attention and effort to it.” 


Logic Over Emotional Intelligence?

Mathematical intelligence is only logical thinking while emotional intelligence involves a lot more.

Those who grow in a difficult environment with horrid parents very often suffer from low emotional intelligence until they decide to take things into their own hands as adults to rectify this important aspect in their personality.

At this point, let me tell you about Simona. The name has been changed of course. She works with a well known bank in a managerial position. 

Always radiates graciousness and friendliness, even under pressure. She would make you think she’s a strong personality. 

She’s known to be a people’s person and her work involves working with people. When a colleague needs something she or he will often go to her even if there’s someone else available. 

During her formative years she suffered constant abuse at the hands of her parents, about 22 years of it. She often confused this abuse and guilt trips for love until she finally came to understand what it was. 

Many may say that’s how victims of abuse react in public due to fear. Not so in her case. Once she left her parental home she worked on herself and today is a fine mother, a great partner to her husband and a friend that can be depended upon. 

People love her and her husband worships the ground she walks upon. He works at the same bank in a much senior position. She’s a great example of an emotionally intelligent person.

Most emotionally intelligent people are aware of themselves, have that much required filter between the brain and the mouth, their level of self motivation is quite high, empathy for others comes naturally to them and they largely have excellent social skills.


Decisions, Decisions

Good decision making which is a critical aspect of our day to day life comes fairly easily to those who possess a good EQ. 

This is not to say they are slow thinkers. It’s just that they are naturally good at judging situations due to being analytical and while they analyse they often use their intuition. Studies have gone on to prove this aspect as well. 

Since good decision making ability is expected, many employers now try to make sure that the individuals they hire have a good EQ. 

So much so that many of the universities have begun offering courses on emotional intelligence, including Cornell University

Such courses usually cover several aspects so that your team will indeed listen to you, they help develop leadership and public speaking skills, help you analyse and manage emotions – yours and the emotions of your team members.

It also helps you develop people skills so that you become competent at communication, relationship management, decision making, conflict management and motivation.

Emotions are a good aspect of being human. Well managed emotions only go on to make us better people and help live life at a much better plane. 

And as you might have observed, an emotionally intelligent person treats the janitor with the same respect that she/he gives to the CEO and is not overawed by anyone.

Photos: Shutterstock

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