Education Youth Video Challenge

The Education Youth Video Challenge invites young people ages 13-30 from all over the world to create a video of 30 seconds. Winning videos will be screened on various MTV and partner platforms, and at the Commission’s report launch this September in New York. In order to apply you should submit your video latest by 30th of June.

The Education Youth Video Challenge is being organized with support from A World at School Global Youth Ambassadors and MTV Voices.

The Education Commission was set up last September to help to develop a plan for achieving the ambitious Sustainable Development Goal on Education (SDG 4) which calls on the world to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”

A video for challenge should contain contain answers on one or both of these questions: 

1. How can education best prepare you for your future? 

2. What would your ideal school of the future look like?

The top three videos will be selected by the Education Commission’s Youth Panel, co-chaired by Kennedy Odede (Kenya) and Rosemarie Ramitt (Guyana) and including Malala Yousafzai (Pakistan). See a full list.

A People’s Choice Award will also be given to the video that receives the most public votes.

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