Czech PM: Obstacles To Education Given By Religious And Ideological Reasons Must Be Removed

"A country which does not have education on the list of its priorities puts its future at risk”, - this statement made Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Bohuslav Sobotka during the Forum 2000 Conference yesterday in Prague.

According to the Prime Minister, in the light of current developments the importance of the relationship between democracy and education is growing. “Perhaps it’s the most important issue since the end of Second World War. I believe it is not an exaggeration to say that a country which does not have education on the list of its priorities puts its future at risk”, – Sobotka said.

“The beginning of the new millennium is marked by global changes that tend to support the growth of economic, social, and environmental disparities. One percent of the richest own nearly half of the world’s wealth. Fourteen percent of all people live on less than $1,25 per day. Nearly 1 billion people live in extreme poverty. At least 16 000 children younger than 5 die every day”.

Sobotka claimed that despite major progress since 2000, developed countries still face the fact that development in various countries and on various continents is not balanced. “Global figures may sometimes cover up for and level out the measure of inequality. This leads to developments that constitute major challenges not only for developed countries, not only for the USA or European countries, but also for the entire world”, – he pointed out.

Sobotka noted that development aid provided by the richest countries helps poor people to get medical, social care, and provides them with food and drinking water. According to Bohuslav Sobotka, good education together with good health allows more than mere survival. Education is the path to a worthy life, productive citizenship, and building a good society.

He also said an equal access to education for all must be secured and obstacles given by religious and ideological reasons must be removed. Sobotka stressed the necessity to connect the education system with the labour market needs to prevent the unemployment of school graduates.

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