Dresden Student Research Internship for BSc and Master’s Students

The internship offers university students an opportunity to work on a scientific research question under the supervision of young and experienced researchers. Interns will spend up to three months in the Dresden International PhD Program and be an integral part of an international research group. The deadline is on 31 January 2020.

Apply for Dresden Student Research

Discover what is Dresden Student Research: Successful candidates will receive a monthly allowance of 800 Euro to support travel, housing, and living costs. Guidance in arranging travel, housing and Visa will be provided, if required.

Applications will be reviewed by the group leaders offering the internship placements after the formal eligibility has been confirmed by the Program Manager.

They may conduct phone or skype interviews or contact the referee before making a decision.

Main criteria

  • Candidates must be enrolled in a Bachelor’s or Master’s program and have excellent academic performance records in Life sciences, Natural sciences, Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, (Applied) Mathematics, and Medicine.
  • Bachelor students must have completed at least 4 semesters of their studies before starting the internship. High proficiency in English (working language).

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How Technology Is Changing the Workplace: Benefits and Risks

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