Distinguished Entrepreneurial Fellowship Opportunities With Supporting Funds And Recognition

The enlisted opportunities give an overview of supporting your venture by winning monetary awards and recognition.

Entrepreneurship is the ability and readiness to start, plan, and run a business enterprise—along with all of its uncertainties—in order to make a profit. The most obvious manifestation of entrepreneurship is the launching of new businesses. Entrepreneur refers to a person who has the skills, drive, and willingness to take the risks necessary to found, run, and succeed in a starting business. However, it takes a lot of dedication and hard work to make one’s venture successful. However, this becomes a little easier if the entrepreneurs get backed by prestigious monetary opportunities. In this week of Youth Time’s weekly digest of opportunities, we bring to you some notable opportunities that you can consider applying for if you too recognize as an entrepreneur.


1. Corporate Changemakers Challenge

The Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship and Salesforce have just launched a new UpLink innovation challenge to promote Corporate Social Intrapreneurship. The goal of the challenge is to encourage a new generation of corporate intrapreneurs who demonstrate that companies can contribute to advancing social and environmental equity while also increasing value for the business.



Corporate Social Intrapreneurs are bold changemakers working from within businesses to unlock innovative solutions for the most pressing social and environmental challenges. Their work is increasingly recognized as a powerful source of inspiration and innovation to renew corporate purpose, as well as to drive more inclusive and sustainable businesses.



The best submissions will be invited to the UpLink Innovation Network, facilitated by the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, Salesforce, and the supporting partners. This 6-months program will include the following:

    • Visibility: public exposure via the World Economic Forum and Schwab Foundation’s digital media channels.
    • Access: opportunity to participate in selected World Economic Forum and Salesforce events, projects, and communities.
    • Connections: introduction to selected organizations within the World Economic Forum and Schwab Foundation’s ecosystem.
    • Mentorship opportunities: guidance on your impact journey through the experienced support of other corporate social intrapreneurs and supporting partners.



Each submission will undergo a rigorous selection process, including an Expert Review that will assess each submission and evaluate the validity of the specific categories and criteria outlines. Key criteria for the expert assessment are outlined under the “About” tab. The Selection Committee will review the shortlisted candidates and select the 10-20 winning ‘Top Innovators’ who will join the winning cohort. This selection will be based on the Expert Review, the potential for impact, feasibility, innovative approach, scalability, partnership potential, and alignment with and potential to help solve global challenges.



The last day to apply for the challenge is November 27, 2022.

Read more about the challenge here.


2. MCW Global Young Leaders Fellowship 2023

MCW Young Leaders Fellowship Programme 2023
MCW Young Leaders Fellowship Programme 2023

The Young Leaders Fellowship Program is a one-of-a-kind leadership opportunity open to all young people between 18 – 26 from all over the world who wish to address community projects in the areas of education, health, and economic security. The year-long program prepares young people to become leaders of change in their communities through leadership development, global citizenship, self-awareness, and vision planning.



MCW Global is a non-profit organization with a vision for communities worldwide to achieve greater levels of education, improved health, and increased economic security. Our mission is to address communities’ pressing needs by empowering current leaders and readying leaders of tomorrow. Founded in 1999, MCW Global is based in New York with affiliate organizations in Africa (Rwanda, Tanzania, and Zambia). The Young Leaders Program and an Africa Program focus on Oral Health Care and Community Development. The core values include integrity, compassion, accountability, responsibility, and excellence.



    • International Economy Flights for international participants
    • Domestic Economy flights for United States participants
    • Housing from the evening of July 10 – July 20, 2023
    • Three meals per day from July 11 – July 19, 2023
    • Round Trip Travel from New York, New York to Burlington, Vermont
    • Public Transportation to/from JFK, LaGuardia, and Newark Airports



Young Leaders Must:

    • Demonstrate commitment to their community;
    • Identify an issue in their community in the areas of education, health, or economic security;
    • Be between the ages of 18-26 at the start of the program (June 1, 2023);
    • Be fluent in written and spoken English;
    • Commit to doing the Community Needs Assessment in June, attending the 10-day in-person program in July, and spending the following year aiming to execute their community project;
    • Have access to email and the internet to allow for consistent communication with the MCW Global Team and Young Leaders Fellowship alumni-mentor for the duration of the year-long program;
    • Adhere to Young Leaders Fellowship graduation guidelines (to be provided upon acceptance to the program);
    • Be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (and be able to provide proof) or in case of an exemption from this requirement due to a medical reason, contact MCW Global Leadership directly for further steps;
    • Be eligible for appropriate visa and travel documentation;



Submit a completed application on or before Friday, November 18, 2022, 11:59 PM (NYC EST time).

Read more information about the program here.


3. African Development Bank’s AFAWA Funding For African Women-led Business

African Development Bank’s AFAWA Funding For African Women-led Business
afawa group

The African Development Bank Group’s Affirmative Finance Action for Women in Africa (AFAWA) initiative is launching its second call for proposals for the Women Entrepreneurship Enablers program, targeting women’s business associations, incubators, accelerators, women-led cooperatives, and civil society organizations that promote the development of women entrepreneurs on the continent.



AFAWA aims to unlock $5 billion in financing for small and medium-sized enterprises owned and managed by women by 2026. AFAWA is supported by the Bank’s partners and donors, G7 countries, as well as the Netherlands, Sweden, and the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative (We-Fi). The funding, which aims to strengthen the ecosystem for women’s entrepreneurship, is in line with the Bank’s agenda to further gender equality and women’s empowerment.



AFAWA is offering grants of up to $250,000 to organizations helping prepare African women-led businesses to drive the continent’s economies. The program supports projects that enhance the viability and sustainability of formal women-led small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and enables them to access financing opportunities to grow their businesses.



Applicants from all 54 African countries are welcomed, and organizations in the Sahel region and North Africa are strongly encouraged to submit a proposal. Eligible organizations may request one-time funding of between USD 100,000 and USD 250,000, which will be provided through the Bank’s Gender Equality Trust Fund.



The last day to apply for the challenge is November 25, 2022.

Find out more information on the official website.


Photo: kentoh/Shutterstock


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