Deciding On A Career? 4 Myths You Should Ignore

Not all career advice is gold. Although some insights are well-intentioned, and still work to achieve career results some are also outdated or misapplied, while others can just be plain wrong. In today’s competitive corporate landscape, career advancement is everything. What does it take to advance in your career but more so what do you need to begin? What do you need to know before you start your career journey? Not all career roadmaps created are equal, just like an outdated GPS that tells a driver to turn directly into a swamp, many of the old corporate advice now leads to a dead end.

Professional success is never one-size-fits-all. What works for your colleague might not work for you, and vice versa. Whether you’re looking for a new job or trying to earn a promotion from the one you have, it’s important to ignore certain popular assumptions that exist in the corporate world. Here are some career myths that you need to overlook.


Myth 1: You must match all job requirements to apply

Coming across a job opportunity, but you failed to apply because you don’t meet all of its requirements, this myth needs to be ignored. Not having all requirements doesn’t automatically disqualify you. Often candidates opt out of pursuing great career opportunities for fear they do not match all of the requirements listed on the job posting. This idea should be discarded in your search for a job or trying to get a promotion. The truth is employers often adjust to the requirements stated to meet the talent supply in the market. If you meet the main skills requirements you should apply for that job. If you have a winning track record in human development let that shine more in your CV or interview and find a way to merge or complement that skill to what they require to succeed at it.


Myth 2: Clocking long working hours at the office will get you promoted

Clocking long working hours at the office will get you promoted

All bosses want to see results, but it doesn’t mean you should over-stretch yourself, working overtime and long hours. This doesn’t guarantee promotion or being noticed by your boss, spending long hours at the office for the sake of face time is not a strategy for career success. When it comes to excelling and getting recognized, time doesn’t matter but your achievement does. Most workers, work themselves down to nothing ignoring friends, families, and even their health. To succeed, you need to prioritize your tasks and become more efficient, you can spend less time at the office and still impress your boss. You can always share your weekly summary tasks and achievement with your boss so he or she is aware of all your hard work and impact on the company.


Myth 3: Always choose the job that pays more

Always choose the job that pays more

Money is important, but not as much as you think, money doesn’t necessarily lead to job satisfaction. Instead, what does matter is quality of life, and a big component of that is how much you love your work. Surveys show that people who do not enjoy what they are doing will eventually become dissatisfied regardless of the money they are making.

So instead of just chasing the money, seek work that is fulfilling. This leads to better long-term outcomes because if you’re forcing yourself to do a job just because of the size of the paycheck, your unhappiness is going to be obvious in no time.


Myth 4: Only my manager can help me progress in my career

Never assume your manager is the doorway to your career progress. It’s up to you to get clear on your career goals and understand the goals of your company, to position yourself for success.

Your manager may assist and direct you on the best way to go, but it is not his or her sole responsibility to help you progress. Your manager also has goals to move to the next level of her or his career. No one cares more about your career success than YOU. If you are lucky enough to have a manager who has your back and takes the time and effort to grow your career in your current company, you are very lucky. You need to take ownership of your career, develop your skills, and set your plan for success.


Photo: Ground Picture/Shutterstock


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