Czech Republic Government Scholarships for Foreign Students

Applications are open for foreign undergraduate and graduate students and PhD candidates. Applicants for scholarships may be permitted for research visits, such as either attending non-degree courses of their choice or pursuing an independent research activity depending on their qualifications and preference, or for study visits at one of the Czech public institutions for higher education. The scholarships are fully funded and the deadline for applications is March 31st.

Prospective applicants should be nominated by their university and an application must be submitted to the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The applicants are advised to contact the selected university directly and request a letter of invitation from the appropriate department. Although this is not listed among obligatory attachments to the application form, its submission is recommended, since it may simplify the admission procedure. Applicants are requested to point out to the selected university that they are applying for the Ministry’s scholarship award under an international agreement.

For the academic year 2015/2016, the scholarship amounts to CZK 9,000 per month for those who do not hold a Master’s degree or equivalent, and CZK 9,500 per month for holders of a Master’s degree or equivalent. Scholarship holders are exempted from tuition fees at particular universities they choose to attend. The scholarship has to be collected in person at the appropriate department of the respective Czech university. Inexpensive accommodation at student dormitories is offered as well as the possibility to take meals at student catering facilities.

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